Reconciliation is dead.

Posted: March 4th, 2020 | Author: | Filed under: General | Comments Off on Reconciliation is dead.

Reconciliation is dead! (Tabloid 11×17″, english)

Answer the call (Tabloid 11×17″, english)

Reconciliation is dead! (Halfsheet handbills, 2x 8.5×5.5″, english)

Answer the call (Halfsheet handbills, 2x 8.5×5.5″, english)

Reconciliation is dead! (18×24″ Screenprint layer A, english)

Reconciliation is dead! (18×24″ Screeenprint layer B, english)

Answer the call (18×24″ Screenprint, english)


Bloquez (11×17″, français)

La terre (11×17″, français)

Bloquez (Prospectus, 2x 8.5×5.5″, français)

La terre (Prospectus, 2x 8.5×5.5″, français)

Bloquez (18×24″ Screenprint A, français)

La terre (18×24″ Screenprint A, français)

La terre (18×24″ Screenprint B, français)


Further reading:

Reconciliation is dead: a strategic proposal

Autonomously and with Conviction: A Métis Refusal of State-Led Reconciliation


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